Computational Electromagnetics with MEEP

Syllabus and Course Outline
Part 1: Getting Started with FDTD and MEEP
- Getting Started
- Dealing with Units in MEEP
- (Extreme) Basics of FDTD
- Hello World - First Program
- Visualizing Fields with MEEP
- Perfectly Matched Loayers (PMLs)
Part 2: MEEP In One Dimension
- Reflection off an Interface
- Transmitted Power through an interface
- Convergence Testing with MEEP
- Reflected Power from an Interface
- Efficient Multi-Frequency Simulations in FDTD
- Frequency-Dependent Reflection from Dispersive Materials
- Angular-Dependent Reflection
- Multi-Frequency Oblique Incidence Reflection
- Efficient Multi-Frequency Multi-Angle FDTD Simulations
- Thin film Interference
- Distributed Bragg Reflectors
- Resonators in MEEP
Part 3: MEEP in Two Dimensions
- MEEP in Two Dimensions: Propagation
- Gaussian Beam Propagation
- Gaussian Beam Focusing
- Gaussian Beam Thin-Film Interference
- Modes in a Slab Waveguide
- Coupling Gaussian Beams into Slab Waveguide
- Modes in a Slab Waveguide Resonator (Longitudinal and Transverse)
- Coupling Gaussian Beams into Slab Resonator
- Radiation Leaking from a Resonator
- Scattering (Diffraction) off an Infinite Cylinder
- Diffraction Gratings
Part 4: MEEP in Three Dimensions
- Point Source in Free Space (dipole antenna)
- Line Source in Free Space
- Sheet Source (plane wave) in Free Space
- Free Space Gaussian Beam Propagation
- Cylindrical Waveguide Modes
- Cylindrical Waveguide Modes using MEEP Symmetry
- Coupling a Gaussian Beam into a Cylindrical Waveguide
- 3D Cylindrical Resonator Modes
- Coupling a Gaussian Beam into a Cylindrical Resonator
- Rectangular Resonator Modes
- Coupling a Gaussian Beam into a Rectangular Resonator
- Rectangular Resonator Modes with Dispersive Materials
- Rectangular Resonator Modes with Lossy Materials
- Rectangular Resonator Modes with Contacts
- Mie Scattering off a Sphere
- Plasmonics - Mie Scattering off a Metal Sphere
Some stuff
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